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Scrutiny of recent Inception Impact Assessments: 2030 Climate Target Plan and Delegated Regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy

April 16th 2020


The Impact Assessment Institute conducts regular analysis on Inception Impact Assessments (IIAs) adopted by the European Commission. 

The Impact Assessment Institute has scrutinised the Inception Impact Assessments on the 2030 Climate Target Plan and on a Delegated Regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy. These initiatives are part of the EU Green Deal package.

Our analysis (below), evaluating the text according to Better Regulation principles, has identified good practice alongside some concerns, mainly on identification of policy options and assessment of expected impacts.

Stakeholders are invited to provide their own insights into these IIAs and to reach out to the Institute’s Analytics division to discuss further scrutiny of evidence on these or other dossiers.

Key: Xx = no material issues identified; Yy = issues identified; Zz = significant issues identified

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